Thursday, November 10, 2011

Making Progress with Hurley

Hurley is becoming more and more tolerant of Owen these days. He actually will cuddle up next to me while I'm feeding Owen. It's really sweet to have them both snuggled up with me. The funniest thing is Hurley is TERRIFIED of farts. Owen can produce a MEAN fart post milk coma. When he does that, Hurley runs like the wind and will jump off the bed and sit in the farthest corner of the room. It makes me laugh so hard. Beyond that, Hurley seems to be adjusting just fine. I feel bad for him sometimes because I will be talking to Owen and Hurley will think I'm talking to him. He'll jump up to be near me and I'll have to shoo him away from the baby. He looks SO INCREDIBLY hurt when I do that, so I have to remember to give him some love when I'm done with whatever I'm doing with the baby. Hurley is also still obsessed with the Brest Friend. What can I say, our little French Bulldog is a special dog. :)

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