Wednesday, October 10, 2012

First Professional Haircut!!

Owen was born with a FULL head of hair. I had very little hair for a long time as a baby, so he MUST get this trait from his Dad. I've cut his hair once and botched it pretty badly and vowed never to try it again. So on October 10th, I decided it was TIME to get Owen a haircut! His hair was coming over his ears and his bangs were getting WAY too long. He was ALSO getting mistaken for a girl more than I care to have happen. SO…it was time…and I didn't want to screw it up. There is this place called Peek A Do near our house that does haircuts JUST for young children. I am SERIOUSLY in the wrong business because their haircuts there were pricier than my haircuts (though I don't get the best haircuts to begin with)!! We still decided to go through with it though. Their baby seats were cars so that the kids could play and stay distracted from the scissors and razors that were grazing their face. Owen acted like it was his 100th haircut. He sat in that car, leaned into the steering wheel and stared at the tv straight in front of him. I'm definitely partly to blame for that because the kid LOVES tv. It's the only way I occupy him by myself in the morning while I get ready for work in the morning. You gotta do, what you gotta do!! Anyways, he handled the whole experience like a champ and looked SOOOO cute afterwards! I was so proud! He looked like such a big boy afterwards!!

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