Friday, October 5, 2012


The day after Owen popped his first tooth, we had a planned road trip to Charleston. In retrospect, that was probably not the smartest thing to do, but we really needed the vacation. My old co-worker lives in Charleston and has a 20 month old and offered to let us stay with them. It was too good to pass up because it meant we wouldn't need to stay stuck in a hotel room with Owen while he slept.

The few days leading up to the trip, Tommy had his worst stretch of hours at work. He was BARELY home and I was actually contemplating not going on our road trip. We were both so exhausted and I just wasn't sure we were up for it. We had been really wanting to visit, so we drank lots of coffee and got on the road on Friday, October 5th. Owen did great on the car ride down. We timed it right during his nap and he slept for 2.5 hours of the ride down. It was great! By the time he woke up, we were close enough that he didn't mind being in his car seat! Success!!

The rest of the trip was a little bit of the blur after Friday. We realized quickly that Owen is at a point where he doesn't like to sleep in unfamiliar places. He was NOT liking sleeping in a pack and play. On top of that, he HATED not being on his normal nap schedule. He didn't know how to function not getting his morning nap and has never fallen asleep in his stroller, so he was one sleep deprived baby. So needless to say, the exploring on Saturday was rough on our little man. We loved seeing the city and having our friends as tour guides was incredible. Prior to this road trip, Owen had always been an easy traveler, but this kind of put things in perspective for us and taught us a really good lesson - don't mess with this kid's nap schedule!!

Thank you Jessie and Adam for being such great hosts and showing us around Charleston! We definitely want to come back in the spring so that we can enjoy the beach!! 

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