Friday, April 20, 2012

Poor Baby

POOR BABY!!! Owen caught his first cold when he was about 8 weeks old and since then he has seemed to struggle with being sick. When he started day care, he had a CONSTANT runny nose and it only bothered him in the beginning. But then he caught this cough and it literally NEVER WENT AWAY. Strangely, he didn't act any differently having the cough. He played great and ate fine, so I didn't worry about it. I started to notice last week that he didn't really cough during the day at all. Then I realized he was only really coughing when he took long naps and at night. It made me a little worried and it made me listen to him more after I put him down. Then this week he started to cough NON stop at night. It oddly never woke him up, but it was SO bad and it literally sounded like he was gasping for air. It finally got Tommy and I worried enough that I asked Danny to come check him out. Uncle Danny is always helping us! He came to look at Owen and told us that we should probably bring him in to see his pediatrician. Apparently babies who have asthma or allergy issues tend to cough more at night when they are asleep. Though babies don't "technically" get diagnosed with asthma until they are much older. Anyways, it warranted a visit to our pediatrician. Our pediatrician came HIGHLY recommended by Danny and other friends of ours. We are seriously so LUCKY to have Dr. Slowik. After Danny told me to bring him in to see her, I emailed her at 10:30 that night to tell her Owen's situation. She had given me her email address at his 4 month appointment and told me to email her any time I wanted to. I wrote her and said he was only really coughing at night, but was not acting like he felt sick, but just sounded awful. She wrote me back in literally 5 minutes and told me to bring him in to see her the next day. I don't know that we will EVER find a pediatrician that allows you to email them and to have such a rapid response to any concerns you have as a parent!! I felt bad for even emailing her and was only really doing it to see if I was being a worry wart. I took him in for his first sick visit and he weighed in at 15 pounds, 9 ounces! Hooray! We are up 2 pounds from his 4 month appointment. I fully anticipate another full pound on him before his 6 month appointment, so let's hope we double that 13% figure in weight! :) Anyways, that's off topic. Dr. Slowik listened to Owen and checked him out and said his ears looked perfect and he just sounded a bit congested. She wanted to give him a breathing treatment because of my history with asthma and the fact that he has been congested for SO long. Owen was such a trooper with that breathing treatment. It was so sad to see him. He barely cried and just sat there breathing it all in. She listened to him after his breathing treatment and he sounded like his breathing was much less labored. Poor little buddy! We wound up giving him one more breathing treatment before bed tonight and he has yet to cough!! I feel so guilty that I didn't do it sooner, but at least we are on the mend. The good thing is we have the nebulizer in our hands now and we can use it when our little man gets sick and needs a little help. Get better soon buddy!!

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