Where can we even begin with Grandma Gin Gin?? Prior to my due date, I kept telling my Mom I had a feeling I'd go earlier than my actual date. She kept telling me to talk to Owen and tell him to please wait for his Grandma to arrive. She was slated to come 2 weeks before my due date to help ready the house for Owen. When I went into labor, I kept telling myself to not call her until I knew 100% sure that it was REALLY happening. It wasn't until we were checked into the hospital and the nurse told us I was 3cm dilated before I had Tommy call her. The phone call went something like this:
Tommy: "Gin Gin?"
Tommy: "Wait, we don't know how long it's going to take…"
My Mom had hung up on Tommy. She was hell bent on COMING to see her first grandson!! All through the night while I was in labor, she texted me and wanted to know my progress. She told me she didn't sleep a wink that night. I was in recovery after the c-section for an hour or two and in my room another two or three hours and before I could even come out of the surgery drugs, my Mom was in our hospital suite all the way from Texas!!
Since then, she has been staying with us not really as a house guest…more like a chef/maid/nanny/nurse/mom/grandmother all rolled up in one. I had a rough recovery from the c-section and she kept our house cleaner than we've ever had it. She also cooked us home cooked meals every day - and Gin Gin can COOK! In fact, I can count on one hand the number of times we went out to eat during her entire 7.5 week stay. She would cook homemade chicken soup for me and the healthiest meals that really helped me gain back my strength. I caught a bad cold on the tail end of her stay here and she nursed me back to health in no time. We were even able to go on a date without the baby to attend Tommy's Radiology Holiday Party while she was here. Who can say they had a date night within the first 6 weeks of having a baby? Even our pets were spoiled from her stay with us. Hurley got warmed meals and Milly got undivided attention every morning. For the first 2 weeks, Tommy and I didn't change a single diaper! There are never dishes in the sink or anything out of place in our home while she is living with us. I totally got used to having an immaculate house! We actually haven't done a single load of laundry since she got here - that is a HUGE example of the extent of her help in our home!!
Grandma Gin Gin left today for 10 days to go back to Houston so that she could spend Christmas with my Dad. Owen and I took her to the airport and we ALMOST shed some tears. We knew she'd be back in 10 days, but I was honestly a little nervous seeing her off. The good thing is she'll be back in 10 days to watch Owen for me when I go back to work in January. Her goal is to put Owen on a schedule before he starts day care. It will be so nice to go back to work knowing he is home with my Mom and in safe hands. I also won't have to expose Owen to daycare germs until 13 weeks old and that will be a tremendous help on his little immune system. It will also help me with the adjustment of balancing work and the baby. THANK YOU MOM for being so amazing to us. We could NOT have survived these first few weeks of parenthood without you. No words can express our gratitude for your time, energy and love you have given to us welcoming Owen into this world. We love you and THANK YOU for EVERYTHING you have done for us. We can't wait for you to be back!!
By the way, not only has my Mom been super helpful, she has spoiled Owen ROTTEN and he has NO idea. Here is his Christmas present from her. How adorable is this???
Oh my gosh. That phone call transcript made me LOL!
That was so great. Funny, and sweet. Almost made me cry.
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