The day after my Mom left town, Tommy's family came into town to spend Christmas with us. Tommy's younger sister and younger brother both live here in Durham, so it was much easier to have them fly to us this year with Owen. We had so much fun having them in town. Owen got to spend quality time with the extended family and got in cuddle time with his Grandma Becky and Buzz as well as his Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Victor. Most importantly, he got lots of sweet hugs and kisses from his cousin Annaliese. It was so cute to see them together. It was also crazy to watch Annaliese all week knowing our Christmas would be so very different next year. Owen was SPOILED ROTTEN for Christmas. He got a TON of toys and some ADORABLE outfits. Santa only brought him clothes this year (he is LITERALLY growing out of his clothes weekly - he's already in 3 month clothes!), but at least his grandparents, aunts and uncles spoil him with more! We absolutely can't wait for next year and to start traditions with our own little family of three. The holidays are ten times more fun when you are a parent!!

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