Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Day in the Life of Owen

Owen is now 6 weeks old. We went for his one month appointment on December 5th and he weighed 9.5 pounds and was 21.75 inches long. He is growing like a weed!!! He in the 51 percentile for height and 34 percentile for weight. It will be interesting to see where he lands over the next couple months. Now that he is much more alert, I thought I'd write up what a typical day for him is!

Owen wakes up around 10:30 or 11:00am every day. Yes, you read that right. My baby boy LOVES his sleep. We put him down every night between 10:30 and 11:30. This bedtime will have to change eventually, but it is an easy time for us, since we are going to bed with him. He typically wakes up between 4:30 and 5 for a feeding. He doesn't open his eyes at all though - he just "talks" to let me know he's hungry. He eats and falls right back asleep and then wakes up again at 7:30 or 8 and does the same thing - eats and falls right back to sleep! It's not until around 10:30 or 11am that he starts to wake up and actually OPEN his eyes. He is his HAPPIEST when he wakes up at this time. He will be cooing and giving me ALL kinds of smiles. I love it!!! I wonder how much longer he'll be wanting to sleep until this late into the morning! All I can say is I've been enjoying being able to sleep in still!! We've also decided that the swaddle is our friend. Well MY friend…maybe not his. He still struggles to try to free himself from it, but he sleeps for much longer stretches when his poor little hands aren't slapping him in the face in the middle of the night!

Owen then spends the afternoon downstairs in either his swing, play mat or bouncy chair. We try to not hold him constantly so he isn't too spoiled. ;) He naps in his little bouncy chair throughout the day since it's downstairs and we aren't having to go upstairs every time he falls asleep. This is probably a really bad habit that my Mom will have the challenge of breaking once I'm back at work!

Owen eats every 4 hours during the day and screams bloody murder if he doesn't get his food the second he decides he is hungry. He definitely gets this instant gratification need from his Mother. Oops. Haha. This is really the only time he is ever a crabby baby.

Around 9:30 every night, we bathe him and this has to be his favorite part of the day. He can be starving, exhausted or outright hysterical and instantly becomes soothed the second we stick him in his little tub. It is the most incredible thing!! The boy loves his bath time!!! The pediatrician said it was nice to give him a bedtime routine despite him not technically really needing a bath every day. We do it partially out of sheer enjoyment because we can't believe how much he appreciates a warm soak in the tub!

All in all, Owen has been a breeze and I hope his sleep schedule keeps up. I'm hoping he sleeps for longer stretches over the next 3 weeks so that I can at least get a solid 6 hours of straight sleep when I'm back at work. I'm crossing my fingers!! ;)

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