Thursday, March 29, 2012

5 Months

5 months!!! I have to say…this is by far the most fun month yet! I thought the first month of having a baby and "new toy" would be the most fun, but holy cow…it keeps getting better. Owen is like a little PERSON now! We love it! He is the sweetest baby on the planet!

Every month, I take a picture of Owen next to a stuffed Bevo. The Bevo was one of the first things we bought Owen when we found out we were pregnant. I figured it would give a good collage of pictures to show his growth. As you can see he went from being almost the same size as Bevo to doubling Bevo in size. It is insane how quickly babies grow!!

This month Owen has seriously changed overnight! He took his 5 month milestones and decided to do them all in a 24 hour period. Ok…total exaggeration, but it felt like that. Owen is a PRO at tummy time now. In FACT, he PREFERS to be on his tummy over being on his back. It's funny to watch him play on his tummy because he grunts the entire time. I always feel like he's straining to stay on his elbows and tummy, but he just spends most of his time like that these days! He also sleeps exclusively on his tummy. Well, I wouldn't actually call his sleep position "tummy" because he sleeps with his knees curled up under him and every morning when I change his diaper, his knees are BRIGHT red! It's because he has slept on them all night!! Silly boy!! 

Owen is also mobile via rolling and spinning on his tummy. His day care teacher wrote the cutest note about him rolling all around. He will literally see a toy and roll to get it or somehow army crawl or scoot to get near it. It TOTALLY freaked me out to watch it happen because we are FAR from ready to have a baby that is capable of reaching for things!! We are also mastering the tripod sit. He can stay in that position for quite some time if he manages to sit still (which is rare). He got a little chubbier this month, so his thighs could support the tripod sit. Haha! :)

Owen LOVES the TV. He will literally watch it all day long if you let him. I'm trying to decide if I care that he loves tv or not and we are honestly one of those parents who think everything in moderation is OK. So if Owen is a 1 year old watching tv every few hours a week, I'm OK with that. I just can not believe how much he enjoys it! I know some babies could care LESS about tv, but Owen will watch it non stop! It can basically be ANYTHING and he will zone in on that pretty flat screen tv! Another thing Owen loves these days is Hurley. It's like he woke up one day and realized there was a dog in our house. He will look around for Hurley and literally smile at him. It's the funniest thing!!

We also cut Owen's hair this month. He had these awful "wings" on the sides of his head that I hated. He had rubbed off practically ALL of his hair on the back of his head and only the sides and top of his hair grew in. If he were a girl, I would have literally given him ponytails with the wings he had. I kept begging Tommy to let me cut it and refused and eventually it started to look so bad that he caved. I took three snips, one on each side of his head and one on top and he looked so adorable afterwards that we were so mad we didn't do it sooner!!

We have also started rice cereal! Owen's pediatrician told us to start somewhere between 5 and 6 months when we thought he seemed interested. He started to watch us eat and I figured that was a sign. He wasn't that big of a fan initially. I don't think he really understood the texture of it all and seemed confused. I also used formula to mix in with the rice cereal because the pediatrician told me to not waste my breast milk on it in case he wouldn't eat it all. Well we tried it for maybe a week and a half and he just wasn't really interested. I got lazy one day and instead of making a bottle of formula, I warmed up breast milk to put in his cereal and he DEVOURED that cereal feeding. Since then, we have used breast milk only in his cereal and he LOVES it.

All in all, these past few weeks have been SO much fun! We love to watch Owen grow before our very eyes. Please slow down, sweet Owen.

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