Before we had Owen, I always said I wanted to work regardless of the situation after children. This was still the case after Owen arrived, but I was having trouble juggling a job that required more than the standard 40 hours in a work week PLUS getting enough time with Owen. I was completely overwhelmed and burned out from shuttling Owen to daycare, trying to keep up with work and adjusting to everything in general. Tommy and I finally came to the decision that I would work part time. I was really concerned about how it would all work out, but I devised a plan and I was so fortunate that work allowed me to follow through with everything. As of April 1, I will be a part time employee at a job that I have learned so much at for almost 4 years. I was so excited to be able to stay at the company and still play a role in my job. Additionally, I am able to take on a few passion projects to really get my creative juices going. We got a really nice Mac desktop so that I could work from home and our guest bedroom is set up so that Owen can play next to me while I work. It all seemed to fall together so easily. Then the bomb hit…our apartment complex that we have been living at for FOUR years decided to raise our rent an astronomical amount. Ok, astronomical is exaggerating, but we always said we would move if for some reason the raise in rent was more than the cost of getting movers. Well the raise was significant and there was NO way we could swallow the price. I was LITERALLY at my wits end of stress when this fell into our lap. Luckily, my good friend Kristi sent me a few really great listings and we found a house that we instantly fell in love with. It's bigger than our town home now and the bedrooms are gigantic. Best of all, Owen will have a real room (his nursery now is just an odd room off the master bedroom) and I will have a GIANT office to work out of. I am so excited about these changes and can not wait to spend more time with my little man. We have worked out things so that Owen will either be with a sitter or at the day care as a "drop off" baby indefinitely and I think it will really work out. I initially hated the idea of having him in day care, but I grew to love the facility we had him enrolled him. I could tell he was learning so much from the older babies in the classroom and teachers were so great with him. Of course these feelings only appeared AFTER I gave the daycare notice of us leaving full-time care, but at least I know we can drop him off to play with his friends still! Looking forward to new beginnings!!
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