Uncle Danny is hands down THE BEST. Not only because he is an amazing pediatrician, but because he absolutely LOVES his nephew. Owen has gotten a few rough colds and they have worried us. You would think being first time parents and having one of the parents being a physician would make it easier, but it really doesn't. BUT having a Uncle Danny, who is a spectacular and knowledgeable pediatrician makes ALL the difference in the world. The first time Owen got really sick, I called Danny because I was worried he was REALLY congested and wasn't breathing right. Tommy was out of town and I wasn't quite sure how to handle it all. I was still trying to figure out how to shower and feed myself as a new first time Mom and was really worried about Owen having a cold so young. Danny came over with all the proper tools for me help Owen feel better and 2 adorable outfits. I mean how much better does it get for Owen to have personal HOUSE CALLS when he is under the weather AND get spoiled? Owen slept great that first night after Danny taught me all the tricks to make him feel better. At around 2 months, Owen got horrible eczema. It covered his entire body head to toe and it got increasingly bad over the days. I would google it on the internet and literally read that parents with asthma have babies more prone to eczema. That made me feel SUPER lousy, but that's besides the point. Owen was MISERABLE. I tried every lotion I had on hand to see if it would help. He was sleeping horribly and itchy all over. He'd wiggle all night in his bassinet and it made me feel so bad for him. My Mom was convinced I wasn't eating a proper diet because no baby should have such bad skin. In my opinion, it looked WORSE than baby acne! It just kept spreading and looking worse as every day went by! We took a few pictures of Owen and sent them to Danny and he immediately emailed us a sheet of what babies should use in terms of creams and lotions and what kind of medication we could use specifically for eczema. What baffled my mind is that MOST baby products out there are NOT good for sensitive baby skin! Basically anything that smells good shouldn't be used on a baby! As far as I'm concerned, EVERY baby product I can think of that is marketed geared towards infants smell amazing! I mean that list said you shouldn't use the most basic baby products from Johnson and Johnson! Anyways, thanks to Uncle Danny, we got on a good regime for Owen's skin and now he's got the smooth, precious skin every baby should have!! Just recently, Owen caught another bad cold and started to give us signs he might have an ear infection. I had called his pediatrician to see if he could get in and they couldn't get us for another 2 days. That was a good lesson in itself because now I know to call FIRST thing in the morning if I really want to take him in. How annoying! Anyways, we texted Danny to see if it could perhaps be an ear infection and he came out of his way to come check on Owen that night. Turns out, Owen didn't have an ear infection - just a nasty cold. It did give us great comfort to know our little boy wasn't plagued with an ear infection though! And not having to wonder about it for 2 days was even better! Not only does Uncle Danny ALWAYS check Owen out for us, but he makes follow up calls to make SURE his sweet nephew is feeling better. I swear, WHAT pediatric practice wouldn't want such an amazing doctor like him?? We are SO grateful to have him live near us and we could not ask for a better uncle for our little one. Thank you Uncle Danny for loving Owen so much and always helping our little guy get through this nasty cold season. We LOVE having you so close to us! Owen loves his Uncle and says THANK YOU for always taking care of him. You are the BEST!!!

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