From February 23 -26, we took Owen to Dallas to visit his extended Gebhard family! We had such a blast bringing him down and introducing him to everyone!! We squeezed in time for almost everyone we wanted to see in Dallas. We wished we could have spent more time with everyone we saw! To name a few, Owen met his Great Grandma Esther, Great Uncle Bill, Great Aunt Cathy, Cousin Michael, Great Uncle Bob, Cousin Joe, Cousin Arthur, Cousin Erin, Baby Cousin Arthur, Cousin Tim and Claire and their kids, Joseph, Paul and Lily, and several of Tommy and I's special friends. We also spent a lot of time with Annaliese and it gave Tommy and I a good idea of what things are going to be like in about a year. Basically Annaliese kept us laughing for hours! I can't wait to see a babbling Owen!!
Since we were in Texas, my parents took the opportunity to drive up from Houston to see us. My Mom was going crazy missing Owen and couldn't resist from coming to see him when he was only a few hours away. She cooked all of us her famous eggroll meal for lunch while we were in town. It was AWESOME!!!
Owen was a champ on his first plane ride. He had absolutely ZERO issues with flying. He slept almost the entire way on both flights and never had a major blow out, which was a huge accomplishment in my eyes! Haha! We somehow lucked out and got an entire 3 seats to ourselves on the flight to Dallas and back home. I figured American Airlines didn't want to piss off any of their passengers, so they just gave us an entire row round trip! It was awesome! Unfortinately, Owen only really slept well on those plane rides. His sleep schedule was completely off because of the time change and because we would be out late hanging out with family. It caused some sleepless nights for me and I don't think I caught up on sleep for several days after the trip. I did learn one thing - Owen is NOT a fan of the pack n play sleeping quarters. What baby really likes it? It is like a bad may with steel bars under you! Anyways, we will have to practice napping in it in the near future so that we can prepare for our upcoming trips to Austin and Los Angeles!!!
It was great seeing all of our family and friends in Dallas and we can't wait to come back again!!
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