Owen's third week has been filled with hours of being awake!! For two and a half weeks, Owen rarely ever opened his eyes for more than 5-10 minutes. But this week, Owen has suddenly decided he is interested in his surroundings. He will stay awake for a few hours at a time just looking around. It's so cute to watch him just observe his surroundings and take in everything. He is starting to respond to my voice and I can't wait to be at a stage where he smiles and laughs at what I say!!
He is STILL a really good baby. I'm worried we are jinxing ourselves by saying it and that he'll wake up one day and turn into a screaming baby, but we have been so lucky so far. He only ever fusses if he is hungry or wet. He still despises his diaper being changed. He's VERY vocal about it and even manages to squeeze out a few tears when he's really upset. He feeds consistently every 3 hours. He sleeps well at night besides waking up for his feedings. He actually doesn't ever open his eyes at night. He'll keep them closed, but root around signaling he is hungry. I'll feed him, put a clean diaper on him and he falls asleep again - all without ever opening his eyes. Now if only he could go longer than 3 hours at night!! Our lack of sleep isn't so bad for now. I let Tommy sleep through the night because he is back at work and I'm on maternity leave and there is not a lot he can do since I'm breastfeeding. I don't mind having to wake up every 3 hours for feedings since I'm able to nap during the day and pretty much fall asleep the second Owen is done feeding at night (I'm really lucky to be a good sleeper). The only adjustment we're having to deal with is the lack of structure. I think I love working so much because I can go to work every day and pretty much know what to expect. It makes me feel so disoriented having a newborn and not having a real schedule to your day. I know I'll miss these days when I'm back at work, but I'm definitely ready for our little man to have some type of sleep schedule!
Owen is definitely not a baby that wants to be held all the time - which I wanted to make sure we didn't get into a habit of doing. I've babysat and heard enough stories to know that holding your baby too much can lead to some hard times down the line. So we consciously try to put him in his swing, chair or just in his pack and play. Of course every once in awhile, Grandma, Dad or myself totally get a snuggle in, but he never wakes up if we put him down to sleep. He also LOVES listening to music. My Mom found this Baby Einstein channel on Pandora that I leave on and he will just stare into space and listen to the music for the longest time.
We can't believe it's been 3 weeks already since we've brought Owen home! I couldn't believe my due date was this week and that I could still be pregnant. Tommy weighed Owen on our home scale and he's weighing more than 8.5 pounds at this point. I don't know if a baby grows slower in utero, but I can not IMAGINE delivering a baby this size. He's already almost outgrowing all of his newborn clothes (which makes me want to cry) and into 0-3 month clothes or 3 month clothes, depending on the brand. I'm pretty sure I went into labor early because my body couldn't handle delivering such a large baby!!
All in all, we are loving parenthood and feel like time is flying by WAY too quickly. Here are pictures of Owen WIDE awake!!

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