On November 3, 2011, we took Owen for his first pediatric visit with Dr. Slowik at Duke. Owen was born 6lbs, 12oz at 21 inches and dropped down to 6lbs, 4oz by the time we left the hospital on November 1st. Only 2 days after his hospital discharge, he was already up to 6lbs, 8oz (15%), a head circumference of 13.7 inches (21% - big heads run in the family) but they measured him at 19.6 inches (34%). I'm told that when they measure babies at birth, it's all relative to whoever is measuring. Either way, our little man is currently lean, but also a very LONG baby.
Dr. Slowik was absolutely amazing and came highly recommended from friends and also my brother-in-law, Danny who is a pediatrician. I honestly didn't have too many questions for her, but she gave me some pointers on feeding and when we were allowed to bathe him and other little tidbits a new Mom probably wouldn't know. She also pointed out that his nevus flammeus or "angel's kiss" or "stork bite" on his forehead was nothing to be worried about and it would go away on it's own in a few weeks. It's also another dominant Gebhard gene that came through in our son because Tommy had it as a newborn as well as his Mom and older sister, Carolyn! I'm beginning to wonder if our son will look ANYTHING like me!! Haha!
On November 7th, we went for a weight followup appointment and Owen was 7lbs, 3.5oz (19%), weighing in almost a FULL POUND heavier than he was not even a week before his hospital discharge!! Talk about a fast growing little boy - especially one that was born almost 3 weeks early!! We can't wait for him to get his little chubby layers in! At this rate, I don't think it's going to take very long!!
Proof that his chubby cheeks are starting to come in. :)

Hi Mom! You can see his "angel's kiss" pretty clear here.
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