I can NOT believe our little man is one month old! Where does the time go? I still remember every single second of the day I went into labor as if it was yesterday and to think a month has gone by is incredible!! Owen is growing like a weed and changing every day before our eyes. We haven't quite figured out a good schedule for him, but I hope to get him on one very soon. At one month, Owen stays awake for 2-3 hours at time now - only during daylight hours too! He is still a very calm baby, but definitely REALLY lets it be known if he is hungry, wet or tired. He wakes up consistently at 1am, 4am and 7am for his feedings and gives me nice little sighs to tell me he is thankful for his food. :) I'm grateful that he is not a night owl and he keeps his eyes closed through all his nighttime feedings. He'll feed for about 15-20 minutes and go straight back into his bassinet and fall asleep. This may sound crazy, but these nighttime feedings with Owen are my favorite because it's just me and him. I feel like it is such a nice bonding experience between us and I love every moment of it, despite the lack of consecutive hours of sleep. Owen LOVES his lovies. He has to have one touching his face and wrapped around his neck to fall asleep. He hated being swaddled - or maybe I was just doing it wrong - so I had to find something that would comfort him. The lovies do the trick! I'm still not convinced he doesn't want to be swaddled, so I'll be trying it again and hope it is our saving grace to him sleeping longer hours! He is starting to really react to our voices and smile at us now too. I absolutely love his little smiles and him talking to us. He has officially outgrown ALL of his newborn clothes and it has made me so sad to put away those few outfits that he wore for the last few weeks. We've taken advantage of his easy demeanor and taken him out a few times now. We even took him out for a shopping trip on Black Friday! He is getting chubbier by the day and I am LOVING it. I always imagined we would have a baby that was a chunky monkey and I'm pretty sure we'll get my wish! :) We are loving parenthood and can't wait to watch him grow over the next few months!! Here is his one month photoshoot with his Longhorn we bought him before he was born.