Owen's 7 month birthday technically happened while we were in LA, so the pictures taken were a little late. I also thought his bangs were getting too long and took it upon myself to cut it WITHOUT Tommy around. WORST MISTAKE EVER. Poor guy has such a botched haircut and you can CLEARLY see it in his pictures. I'm sorry buddy! Mommy will NEVER EVER attempt another haircut on you again!! We will definitely get professional hair cuts from here on out! I did his first hair cut and it was a success and I was silly to think I could do it just as well the second time around!
At 7 months, Owen is FULL OF ENERGY and ALL BOY. He is SO much fun!! We have a schedule down for him and it works beautifully. He goes down some time between 7-7:30pm and wakes up between 6:30-7am. On good days, he even sleeps in until 7:30 and I thank the baby Gods for such a good sleeper on those days. :) We've been trying to get him to take only 2 naps each day, but he can't quite kick that third nap. He usually naps at 9am, 1pm and again around 4pm. He doesn't need rocking to go to sleep anymore and will play in his crib all by himself until he falls asleep. It makes our job of putting him down for naps and at night sooooo easy. He goes down with a smile and wakes up cooing and talking. Talk about the happiest baby EVER!!
Owen eats like a crazy baby. I tell Tommy this all the time, but boy am I glad that I decided to make Owen's baby food. It would have become REALLY expensive without this commitment of mine. This baby will eat anything. We have tried bananas, apples, pears, avocados, zucchini, peaches, mangos, carrots, green beans and sweet potatoes. I'm sure I'm missing more too. He always makes a face the first time he tries something and is kind of confused by the taste, but will eventually down the entire container. He will eat about 3-4 ounces of baby food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I always pour in a ton of rice cereal to the baby food to thicken everything up too. He also still nurses 5 times a day. I do NOT know where the food is going. He never seems to be full. I also don't feel like he's really getting any chubbier from all the solids. He just keeps getting longer. I keep waiting for more rolls to form, but we still have a long and lean baby. My dreams of a chubby monster are so not happening!
Owen is officially MOBILE!! For awhile he was just spinning on his tummy and rolling around to get places. He is now army crawling. Very slowly, but it is definitely happening. SCARY!! If you put something far away from him, he will find his way to it! He basically never sits still now. He is an EXPERT at his walker. He can steer that bad boy ALL over our kitchen. It's pretty funny watching him run around with it. You can tell he is so proud of his accomplishments. He knows the certain areas in the kitchen he will get stuck in and will avoid those places. Poor Hurley hates the walker and tries to steer clear of the kitchen when Owen is on his war path.
Owen still hasn't developed stranger anxiety. He will still willingly go to anyone and I am enjoying this time. I hope it stays this way. He is always all smiles no matter who offers to hold him! We love it! I don't know if I've ever blogged about this, but ever since I went part time at my job, Owen stays with his nanny Taylor. She mainly comes to our house, but sometimes I take him to her house to shake things up. Taylor's Mom and I work together, so it really worked out perfectly for us. Taylor is a student at UNC and has been such a HUGE help to us over the summer. I love that Owen has someone's undivided attention while I'm at work and I always know he's in good hands when I go to work those 3-days a week. Owen loves Taylor and always gives her the biggest smile when she comes over in the morning. On the days he goes over to Taylor's house, he gives Taylor and Meredyth (Taylor's Mom) the biggest flirty smiles as well. We'll be getting a new nanny for Owen when Taylor goes back to school in the Fall, so hopefully he doesn't get too attached. :(
I can't believe we are in the second half Owen's first year. I better start thinking of what I'm going to do for his first birthday because it is going to be here before we know it! :)
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