Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summer Days

Now that Tommy is a fellow, his hours are "significantly" (in my opinion) worse than they were as a 4th year resident. There are nights where he doesn't come home until Owen's already asleep or even after I'm asleep. It's IMPOSSIBLE keeping Owen busy without him wanting to crawl everywhere and get into everything. Meg gave Owen this pool before the Summer and I hadn't taken it out yet because I thought it would be too much to handle by myself. One particular day, Owen was giving me a run for my money and I decided to blow it up and see how he would like it. Owen LOVES bath time. Actually he is obsessed with bath time. He knows not to turn over when he is on his back and just splashes the entire time he is being bathed. He never cries when water gets in his eyes or even up his nose (bad Mommy and Daddy!) and is always eager to play with his toys. So I thought, what better way to reenact bath time??? The first day I put Owen in the pool, he was very amused. For baths, we lay him flat on his back in the tub. So when I let him sit up in this pool with water, he was genuinely confused. He proceeded to play with his toys and splashed around. He knew he couldn't get on his belly and army crawl so he decided to up and crawl on his knees to the other side of the pool to get to another toy. Owen has been army crawling for several weeks now and has NEVER gotten up on his knees. I guess it takes a little bit of water to make him do this!! The second day Tommy worked late, I filled the pool again and Owen was amused for maybe 5 minutes max. He knew it wasn't the real bath and wasn't having it. He wanted to move around and explore. Seeing as how it's been in the high 90's outside, I wasn't prepared to have a major workout chasing after him, so we didn't last as long that day. I definitely am looking forward to more pool days with this little fellow…but maybe we'll wait for Dad to join in on the fun and help. :)

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