DOUBLE DIGITS! How did we get here?? Time flies by when you are having fun! This month Owen became very vocal! This kid can babble!! He just has his own little language and can talk up a storm. He ALWAYS wakes up babbling and sometimes we leave him in there a little longer than necessary just to hear him talk on the monitor! At 10 months Owen eats like there is no tomorrow. He can eat up to 10 ice cubes of baby food for a single meal!! I still make all of his baby food fresh and he still inhales all of it. We tried chicken and pork this month and he didn't seem to mind any of it as long as it was mixed with his usual food. He did have a hiccup with the virus he got in Houston and went on a food strike for about a week. During that week, he lived off of yogurt and Cheerios. It would have worried me a few months ago, but Owen is SOLID now. He used to be on the smaller side for babies his age, but he is now 100% chub/muscle. I feel like he is gaining a pound a day!
Owen still has NO TEETH. I feel like they are coming, but there are no real signs of it. No drool. No crankiness. Nothing. Will he be 1 before he cuts a tooth?? He also still does not know how to sit up on his own. He will stay in a seated position if I put him there, but he won't get to that position by himself. I guess since he only army crawls, he hasn't quite figured out how to use his knees. I was worried about it even though the pediatrician told me NOT to worry about it. She said that some kids never learn to sit up on their own until they walk. But of course, I worried. I went and bought this activity table for him and he really wanted to play with it, but felt no need to pull up on it. Instead, he laid on his stomach and just reached up. Sneaky boy! I put him up on his knees to look at it and he just didn't seem to really enjoy it. Oh well! Owen has figured out exactly where he wants to be and what position he wants to be in. Some times I will hold him up to try to get him to stand up and he will hold his legs up so they don't touch the ground. It makes me laugh so hard! Such a personality!
This month, I cut Owen back to only 3 nursing sessions and bottles of formula for the rest. Once in the morning, once after I come home from work and then at night. His pediatrician said I could keep the morning and evening nursing sessions for bonding time for awhile. I do enjoy those and it is "our" time to spend with each other. I was never sure what to expect with breast feeding, but I have really enjoyed it. It was never very hard for me and I didn't have any complications. After I got over the disappointment that I couldn't keep up with Owen's intake, I was really happy with how far I had come.
Owen is super active now and loves to play on the floor. Our living room has become his play room and has toys strewn everywhere. He's very inquisitive and tries to get into everything he isn't supposed to get into. We definitely have to keep our eyes on him ALL the time. He also LOVES watching videos on the iPad. Most mornings after I nurse him, I will show him a video while I get ready for work. So he has learned to expect the iPad videos after he is finished nursing. He will literally look around for it. Shame on Mom! He LOVES books. His favorite is the Very Hungry Caterpillar. He loves the pages where you can see the things eaten through. He actually waits for those pages and when those end, he usually crawls away uninterested. Haha! He will sit very still for a long time reading all of his books though!
Owen is OBSESSED with balls. He is ALL boy. Footballs, basketballs, baseballs…anything you show him…he WANTS. In fact, our 10 month photo shoot was so successful because I bought a 99 cent plastic ball at Walmart before we took them. He was hyperventilating and laughing the whole time we held it up! It's TOO CUTE!!
He is still in 3 diapers and wearing 9-12 month clothes, but pushing the limits on that size. He's had a huge growth spurt and is super tall! I'm trying to hold out from buying any more summer clothes since it will be cold soon. So needless to say, our collection of outfits that fit these days are interesting. He is sleeping 7:30-7:30 every night and taking two naps ranging from an hour and a half to two and a half hours. He is a consistent sleeper and does wonderfully. He is also NOT a morning person. He typically wants to go down for his nap an hour or two after he wakes up from a 12-13 hour night! His second nap of the day is almost always 3 hours after he wakes up from his first nap. His schedule is so easy to figure out and we love it!!!
Owen, I love you so much. You are the sunshine in my life and you make me want to be the best Mom I can ever be. Thank you for being a dream baby and never giving me a hard time. I am so looking forward to the next few months and years with you and watching you grow and learn new things. You love to smile and I can't ask for more.