Oh my gosh, where does the time fly. I forgot to post Owen's 3 month update!! 3 MONTHS? Are you kidding me, Owen? Are you seriously already 3 months old? Where does the time go when you are having fun??? Owen is a BIG SMILEY baby now! We are WAY past the newborn baby blob stage and full on interacting cooing baby stage!! January 29th was my Mom's last day with us after having been here for 3 months. I was a total wreck thinking about her leaving us. For 3 months, she cooked, cleaned and watched Owen for us. I could NOT have asked for a better first few months as a new Mom with her help. I tried hard not to think about it all weekend because any time I started to, I would want to cry. I went back to work earlier than I really wanted to because of all the things that were going on and having her stay home with Owen really helped with me having to leave him so early. It makes me sad I couldn't be there with Owen AND my Mom during those weeks, but at least he was with his loving Grandma! She was such a tremendous help to us those 3 months and we miss having her here so much!!
At three months, Owen is a sweet, smiley always talking baby boy! We totally have a flirt on our hands. He LOVES to stare at us in the mirror and talk to us. It is so funny that he looks for people he recognizes rather than stare at himself. He is ENAMORED by his Daddy. When he sees Tommy in front of him, his entire face LIGHTS up. It warms my heart to see this happen. He has discovered his hands and has started to put them together and find ways to stick them in his mouth. Since I know a thumb sucker is harder to break than a pacifier baby, I've really pushed him using a pacifier over him sucking on his hands or thumbs. He LOVES staring at toys that have contrasting colors. He will stare at them all day long and just talk to it. He is still very much attached to his lovies. He just recently refuses to sleep without one near his face. In fact, he has started to somehow move them over his mouth and sometimes his entire face before he falls asleep. We have to be very careful and make sure to remove them from near his face before we go to bed. He is consistently sleeping from 8:30pm - 6:00am every night. We realized that if we put him down earlier, he doesn't become overtired and sleeps thru the night MUCH better. We learned the hard way when we tried to keep him up later in hopes of him sleeping later into the morning and that was a big epic fail. He was cranky and could NOT get himself to sleep. We are still trying to figure out a eating schedule for him, but I'm told this changes as they go through growth spurts, so I'm not too worried. He still doesn't like tummy time, but we are working on it. He has great head control and is constantly moving his head back and forth when he is laying down, which has resulted in a horrific bald spot on the back of his head. He also has a misshaped head right now because he favors turning his head to the right when he sleeps. No matter how I lay him down at night, he inevitably turns to his right, thus the sad misshaped head and bald spot. :( Owen lost a lot of his dark hair and now has light brown hair. Everyone says he looks like Tommy, only Asian and I tend to agree!
We are having SO MUCH fun with Owen and watching him grow before our very eyes. I wish we could slow down time or add 10 hours to every day so that I could have more waking hours with him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to us! Here are some pictures from his 3 month photo shoot!